Monday, January 28, 2008

Signing off, for now

Okay! I hate computers here. I just spent an hour writing a beautiful blog, only to accidentally erase it because the keys aren't where they're supposed to be!!! Aghh! So sense I am frustrated and tired, there will no pictures or extensive writing today..... Because there already was. I guess it must not have been good enough if my fingers decided to erase it. Anyways, all is well in Ouaga, and I finally get to go to my new home tomorrow, the village of Béréba, to begin my work. Nothing to exciting except a lot of reading and writing and I spent my whole Saturday with Emilie and David, (a visiting photographer), taking pictures of families, hard-working women and famished children in a rural village just outside of Ouaga. I have decided not to share these pictures with you until I get home out of respect to the people that let me take them. All I can say it was the first of many days on interacting and learning and inspired the excitement I have been waiting for to go to the village. While I got a little burnt, I finished the day with more than 150 photos. As always, there is a lot more to tell you, but as I have already spent an hour trying to tell you it all the first time, I do not want to spend two more. The journey is still just beginning, and I will have a lot more to tell you in the coming ten weeks. I leave for Béréba tomorrow and look forward sharing new stories then. For now, here's a picture of the sunset.

The first entry I had was so much better...

1 comment:

Pamela/Mom said...

My beloved daughter! Thank you for calling today. I was having a very hard time getting to sleep at night. I am SO relieved to hear you are on the mend.
I went to Emilie's site but it requires a password and burkinafaso didn't work. What's the password? Send it to my e-mail, not here, if she wishes to keep it private.
I am looking forward to your next blog and your escapades with the Bereba kids. I love you and count the days until you return, hoping that we can have an adventure in Disneyland. Love, MOM